Sep. 14-18, 2010 |
The 3rd International Conference on Multi-Functional Materials and Structures |
Jeonju, Korea |
Surface Plasmon Resonance Enhancement of Emission at 3.32 eV in ZnO Nanorods Grown with Ag as Catalyst, Xiaolong Du(Invited Talk) |
Aug. 5-7, 2010 |
The 6th International Workshop on Zinc Oxide and Related Materials |
Changchun, China |
Fabrication of MgZnO MSM solar-blind ultraviolet detectors with high performance, Zengxia MeiŁ¨Oral TalkŁ© |
Van der Pauw Hall Measurement on intended doped ZnO films for p-type conductivity, Yang GuoŁ¨Oral TalkŁ© |
Temperature dependence of surface plasmon mediated near band-edge emission from Ag/ZnO nanorods,Yaoping LiuŁ¨Oral TalkŁ© |
Jun. 6-10, 2010 |
E-MRS 2010 Spring Meeting |
Strasbourg, France |
High Zn Content Single-phase RS-MgZnO Suitable for Solar-blind Frequency Applications, Huili Liang(Invited Talk) |