最近更新: 2012年09月26日 中国科学院 物理研究所 清洁能源实验室 E04组 课题组长:杜小龙 研究员


     我组与挪威奥斯陆大学物理系Andrej Kuznetsov 教授组合作申请的题为:“Innovation driven education and science in modern photovoltaics via Norwegian-Chinese collaboration”中-挪合作光伏项目获得挪方资助,本次获得资助的一共有6个项目,资助总经费达到1200万挪威克朗。

目前Andrej Kuznetsov教授被聘为“外国专家特聘研究员”正在我组进行为期半年的交流访问工作(2012.9~2013.2),就相关的研究课题进行深入的交流和合作。


Academic Interest

Research focus is in the fields of (i) synthesis/doping/applications of ZnO and ZnO-based low dimensional structures and (ii) defects and nanostructuring in Si-based and oxide semiconductors. The major application target is improvement of ICT and energy saving/generation technologies by economically feasible environmental friendly nanotechnology solutions. Kuznetsov leads a research group of ~10 researchers/research students (presently: 1 researcher, 3 postdocs, 5 PhD students and 2 MSc student and manages a funding sufficient to maintain the group (grants from the university, the national research council as well as NordForsk, N-INNER and EU funding).

Higher education and employment history

Born: 23/05/1963 Nationality: Swedish/Russian
Present position: Professor in physical electronics at the University of Oslo
Academic degrees: PhD, docent
Work experience: >20 years work experience in the field of semiconductor physics and technology
2010             Visiting Professor, 1 month, Institut Materiaux Microelectronique
                     Nanosciences de Provence (IM2NP/CNRS), Marseille, France
2005--           Professor, Dept of Physics, University of Oslo (UiO), Oslo, Norway
2001 – 2005 Associate Professor, Dept of Physics, UiO, Oslo, Norway
2001             Visiting Scientist, 2 months, Centre de Recherche sur les Mécanismes
                      de la Croissance Cristalline (CRMC2/CNRS), Marseille, France
2000             Visiting Scientist, 2 months, Australian National University,
                     Canberra, Australia
1997 – 2001 Research Associate/Docent, Department of Electronics, KTH,
                     Stockholm, Sweden
1995             Visiting Scientist, 6 months, Centre de Spectrometrie Nucleaire,
                     (CSNSM/CNRS), Orsay, France
1993 – 1994 Postdoc, 14 months, Department of Electronics, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
1992 – 1997 Research Associate, Russian Academy of Sciences, Lebedev Physical
                     Institute, Moscow, and Inst of Micro Tech, Chernogolovka, Russia
1988 – 1992 PhD student, Russian Academy of Sciences, Inst of Micro Tech,
                     Chernogolovka, Russia